I have been struggling with some tough decisions lately. Racking my brain to figure out the right choice. Praying that I make the best decision for me and my family. Talking it out. Weighing different options. Leaning on my husband for support. And during this all I have just come to love my husband more and more everyday. He has been 100% supportive of my changing decision every day, has listened to my rants, smiled when I needed him to, hugged me when I needed one and offered a different point-of-view of what has been going on. I know in my heart that I married the right man for me. He is the calm that I need daily, the strength that has gotten me through some shaky times. So you thought this was going to be a post on what my decision is? Nope, I will tell all when I know all... It is just to let the Blog World know what a wonderful man I am married to. And to let my children know what a wonderful father they have. To let my family know that I love my husband with all my heart and have a deep growing respect for him. This is me screaming it from a mountain top....
We agree Carrie! You do have a wonderful husband & we love him, too! Don't let it get to his head though....hee, hee!
lovely, we have to tell the guys that once in a while too! Now on to what decision?????????? I am way too nosey for that kind of post:)
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