10 ~ The number (may be more) of diapers I change a day
9 ~ The number of times in a day that I argue with my 3 year old. We totally have the same personality so it happens a lot.
8 ~ The number of times a day that I sweep my kitchen. Yeah I'm a freak.
7 ~ The Number of times a day I call my husband because I simply HAVE to tell him something right at that moment...even though it really could wait.
6 ~ The number of times a day I wish there was just more time in the day.
5 ~ The number of people on my family. I never thought that could have been possible.
4 ~ The number of times a day I look at my daughter and have to fight back tears.
3 ~ The number of children Tom and I have..They totally out number us now.
2 ~ The number of little boys in my family who melt my heart at least once a day.
1 ~ The number of lives that I would never change for anything.
My life might be crazy and tiring but it all adds up to the same thing.... Happiness.