Monday, January 25, 2010

Accessory Du Jour...

Yup. Camryn broke her foot. I ALWAYS knew she would be the one to get hurt like this first.
She's a trooper though. After a really rough Saturday night we endured a rather easy morning at the ER on Sunday. She was so good and only screamed bloody murder when the hard splint was put on. Now that it is on she's crawling like a champ and only every so often forgets about it and tries to stand. I think that this is the hardest thing for me, Camryn is such an active little girl and this has slowed her down a lot. She is also very much a mama's girl and this has made her even more so.

So, if you must know, slides are evil and the bane of my existence right now. But I know this won't stop my crazy little girl.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A guy named King...

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"

~A conversation during the drive home from preschool..

"Mom I watched a play today on TV"


"Yeah it was about a guy"

"What was his name?"

"A guy names King, someone shot him"

"Yes. Someone did shoot him, Do you know why someone shot him?

"Because they didn't like him."

"You're right. Someone didn't like him, or what he was doing. Do you think that was ok that someone did that?"

"No, not at all."

I know that he doesn't really understand why he was shot, or what he really did for our country, but I like that he has started to realize it. That he now knows about a guy named King.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010


As I was searching for pictures to post of Carson to note his progression from infant to 3 years old, I really started to realize how far he has come. Being born 11 weeks (as far as we know) premature and with some other problems, this kid has grown leaps and bounds. He was in the hospital for almost 6 months and really his only problem (other than the lack of anyone being there for him) was that he just really did not want to eat (so not him now though). We got the phone call about him the day after Cole's 2nd birthday. We knew about him but very little and when the social worker called and asked us if we had talked to the boys birth mother recently I knew that I had to fight for this little guy. For 2 weeks before he was able to come home to us, I made the drive to Loma Linda University (Tom was out of town of course) and it was then that I came to realize what parents of sick children do. You are so torn. I was working full time then and had a 2 year old at home but a new baby that needed me too. I still remember the first time I saw him, you could imagine my surprise when I saw this brown haired, brown eyed baby, I was picturing a mini version of Cole and man was I wrong. But he felt so right in my arms. All of the nurses LOVED him and really it's hard not to. Being able to bring him home was such a joy, but so hard too. Tom and I had to learn how to insert a G-tube (so not fun) and learn how to feed him. But, it was all worth it. That drive home was amazing. 2 boys, when we never imagined we would even have 1. Carson was born on January 1st weighing in at 2 lbs 7 ounces and came home to us on May 29 weighing in at 10 lbs. He continued to gain weight and still to this day loves to eat, but we think he might have hollow legs because he's just such a skinny thing. Carson is the most easy-going, loving, cuddle-bug of the family and we all love his sweet calming presence his heart brings to our family.... I don't know what we would do without him...

First day homeFirst Beach Trip

Brown Eyed Boy

Yup.... That's about right. Stuffing his face.

He really isn't that fond of the snow.

Happy 3rd Birthday :)

Somethings you may not know...
~Carson was the EASIEST 2 year old (hopefully he keeps that streak alive)
~He prefers to snuggle and be with the adults rather than play with the kids (I think it's mostly because he doesn't get his toys taken away that way)
~He talks non-stop
~He LOVES to eat steak
~He devours sweets like he's never had it before
~He loves to play with his sister
~He loves his doggies but is allergic to their saliva and if they lick him he gets hives.
~He LOVES his Daddy
I am so thankful for this little guy, whom I call my "Calm between my storms", who is such a delight. We love you Carson and are so glad that you are a part of our family.