Tom was supposed to come home, but due to all the work he had to get done, wasn't able to leave. Since it had been a month since we had seen him, I packed up the kids, grabbed Kyla and we began our journey of 5 states.... You may think I am crazy, but to be honest with you minus the last few hours of the drive home it went rather well... Thanks to Kyla and all of her help she made the trip all that much more fun and easier on Tom and me... I really got to know a lot more about myself, my children, my husband and Kyla. I have always wondered how Tom has really felt about me quitting my job, has me resented me? Does he hate having to work so much? Was it really worth it? But when I told him my plans about going back to Colorado I knew that I had (again) made the best decision for my family. I would have never been able to embark on this adventure if I was working. My kids did AWESOME in the car... better than I thought they would. The last few hours on the way home were rough for them, they were melting before my eyes, but we made it. And Kyla. Wow. I am so impressed at the young woman that she has grown into. I thoroughly enjoyed her chitter-chatter, our food fest in the monstrous kitchen and her calming personality. And I learned that I can do things without Tom, (not that I want to) that it is possible to drive across 5 states and live to tell the story. And even though we are more than 12 hours away from each other I think that this last trip has made Tom and I closer, I proved to him how much he means to me (not that I need to, but to be reminded once in a while is always a good thing) and to my children and we got to be together as a family. And that's what really matters in the end. No matter what has to happen for that to be.
This car is AWESOME... Kyla fell in love with it... The owner of the ranch said that it used to fit his parents, grandparents, and 4 children..probably not too legal now.

Minature Donkey... Kyla and I decided that he looked like the donkey from Shrek

Classis Camryn face...


True beauty...

Tom actually got to take an entire day off. So we went to Silverton Colorado and got to see some cool trains, got caught in a downpour and tour the town on a bike

My favorite men...

This is above the huntung camp that the owner of the ranch runs, it was an amazing night for a Ranger ride and we had tons of fun exploring... And we ran into some pissed off cows... I'll have to get the pictures from Kyla.

I am already ready to go back...
Very interesting...we are actually thinking about moving to colorado too!!!!
If we ever get an opportunity to move out of california Tom and I will take it in a second... We are so ready for a new adventure...
You brave soul...I can barely drive to CA and back. :) I love all the pictures you take.
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