Monday, July 13, 2009

Just to preserve a memory...

...even if it is a GROSS one...

This one pooped in the bathtub this morning and ATE it...
I am completely traumatized.


Laurie said...

Ugh. Even mine have never done that. Although I have some great stories about what the dog has eaten.

cooksonclan said...

Eewww! She is definitely Tom's girl! That couldn't come from our side of the family! Ha,ha! She can't even talk and you already have to wash her mouth out with soap! j/k :)

April said...

How funny- for us, not you!! Thanks for sharing the event! :)

Sue said...
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Sue said...

I aa so sorry- all I can say is I really do understand and GAG. But she is a really cute little poop eater.

Chad and Tina said...

Are you kidding?? lol. How is she feeling now? lol. I wanted to thank you for the box! I thanked Kristi, but I wanted to thank you, and let you know I really appreciate the support you have given me! Chad and I love little Schaffer and are so glad he is here!!! Thank you again!