Thursday, April 30, 2009

Little Terror?

I actually call it Poetic Justice (anyone that knows Tom and the boys knows what I mean).... Camryn has turned into a little terror but her favorite objects to torment are her brothers, which I find amusing given the fact she hasn't been able to defend herself against them.

Poor bear... he never did anything to you. This actually warmed my heart because Cole was actually letting her torment him...

What? I'm not doing anything.

She stole Carson's sippy cup. Do you see her path of destructrion? My rice was EVERYWHERE! Yes she is sitting in the middle of our table. This tends to happen when you have 5 people in your family, 4 chairs, 3 kids that still need boosters or high chairs, 2 parents, and 1 space saving high chair that usually ends up on the floor.

No pictures please! (she stole Cole's ice cream)

The end result of her dinner terrorizing.... Can you say BATH?

Knife Hair... As Cole calls it.

Where's Camryn?

Here I am!

Oh the joys of crawling....


Sue said...

omg she looks so adorable!! We must get together soo so she teach Nate some moves. AWWWW her brothers love her. Such an awesome family!

MyKnights said...

omg girl she is so so cute. i cant wait to see her.....what a cutie pie. i just love it.....

cooksonclan said...

It's payback for Tom....the big terror! I love it! Ha,ha But who ends up with the mess and the whining? You do, huh?
Her personality is sure coming out more & more! She's a doll! :)