Friday, March 19, 2010

Just add water....

I usually don't get much done along the lines of housework when Camryn is awake. Dishes don't get put away, laundry doesn't get folded mostly because my "little helper" does more hindering than helping. This morning though she entertained herself with water and play-doh. (notice that our play-doh is grayish black? Yeah, that's what happens to play-doh at my house. I don't care if the colors get all mushed together.) It was heaven for us both.
Water Water Everywhere...
See the PILE of laundry screaming my name?

How can you argue with this? Pure Bliss.

Like how I'm spending my "Camry-actually-being-entertained-time" blogging?
Way to go Mom.
Now I need to mop.

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