Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Some things go right sometimes....

There are days when your children surprise you, where they show heart.  Cole had a day like that today.  It reminds me that he does listen to me, that what I say matters to him.  Way to go Colie, you are my hero today.

Monday, September 12, 2011

What Camryn does INSTEAD of playing soccer...

Thanks Sue for the pictures, super bummed I missed her first game.  But to quote Camryn, when asked why she did everything BUT play soccer, she stated "I didn't want anyone to see me play soccer, I only want to play soccer at Nate's house."

She looks like she had fun though, how can you argue with those smiles?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Why I NEVER win with this child...

Cole and I butt heads, big time. I sort of imagine this is how my mom felt when I was growing up, we never got along, ever.
Some conversations of late...
First Example...
Me: Cole when Dad wakes up, you and the kids need to put this dishes away.
Cole: (freaking out) But I DON'T want to wait for Dad to wake up I want to do them now!!!!
Me: Sigh
Not winning.
Second Example:
Me: Cole after dinner you need to do a page of homework please.
Cole: (again with the freaking out) I don't want to eat dinner first I want to do my homework first!!!!!!
Ok, so this one is hard to argue with and he totally changed his mind after we got home, but REALLY?
Again not winning.
I know that's not what this is about, winning, but that's man this kid can be so dang hard to read.
But there are times when he makes me laugh...
Cole: How do you get to heaven Mom?
Me: By making the right decisions, being a kind helpful person, choosing the right.. (maybe I should've added not arguing with your parents)
Cole: Oh, well I killed a grasshopper today.
Even though he drives me up the wall at least once daily, I love that kid more than he probably realizes. Maybe one day we'll get along.